The rezoning of multiple neighborhoods under Mayor de Blasio’s housing plan will fundamentally reshape key parts of the city. We want to know how you feel about the plans and your community, the stories you want to read and the questions you have. You don’t have to leave the writing to us: We welcome residents who submit opinion articles for possible publication. We also want to know what you think of our coverage.
If you want to do more than state an opinion, you can get involved with some of the community organizations that are weighing in on the rezonings. Click here for more on that.
There are also official channels to which you can direct comments so there are part of the formal public review process. We’ll start with them.
Weighing in on official plans
The city’s process for reviewing land-use decisions, called the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure or ULURP, offers multiple opportunities for public comment.
Public meetings and hearings are one venue for that input; those and other events are on the ZoneIn calendar.
Contacting your community board, borough president or City Councilmember is another way to communicate with the people making key decisions.
Enter your address here and follow the link to information about your community board.
Contact info for your borough president is here.
You can search by address to find your Councilmember and get their contact information at this page.
During the environmental review process, which occurs before or at the same time as the ULURP process and aims to identify the impact that a rezoning or other move will have on quality of life and human health, there are opportunities to comment. One is when the city presents a draft scope, basically a list of what kinds of environmental impacts the experts should study for a particular project. The other is when the city presents its draft environmental impact statement or EIS, which is an assessment of what those impacts are, how big they’ll be, and what steps can be taken to lessen (or “mitigate”) them.
You can find draft scopes and draft impact statements on the Department of City Planning website (click here for scopes and here for statements). Comments are only accepted until a certain date. You can send those comments to:
Environmental Assessment and Review Division
120 Broadway, 31st Floor
New York, N.Y. 10271
Fax: 212-720-3488
Getting in touch with City Limits
Call us at 1-844-ZONE-NYC (844-966-3692) to leave a story tip, question, comment or reaction to something we have published.
Email us at to submit an op-end or to leave a story tip, question, comment or reaction to something we have published.
City Limits is on Facebook and Twitter and tweets about the rezonings can be hashtagged #ZoneInNYC.
You can also use the comment form above.
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"In New York, the hosts most impacted by Local Law 18 aren’t wealthy property magnates. They’re working families who rely on the supplemental income from short-term rentals to make mortgage payments, pay bills, and navigate the rising cost of living."
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