“We envision our students graduating with work experience that prepares them to get paid internships, prior learning credits, and to launch careers at JFK Airport.”
Programas de alfabetización para adultos de Nueva York afrontan nuevas reglas de financiación, algunos cancelan clases
Daniel Parra |
Los cambios en la fórmula de financiación municipal de los programas de educación de adultos han dejado a algunas organizaciones comunitarias con décadas de experiencia sin contratos para seguir impartiendo sus clases—por el momento. Seis organizaciones que no recibieron financiación informaron de listas de espera con miles de personas.
NYC’s Adult Literacy Providers Weather New Funding Rules, Forcing Some to Cancel Classes
Daniel Parra |
Changes to the city’s funding formula for adult education programs have left some community organizations with decades of experience without contracts to continue their classes—for the time being. Six organizations that weren’t funded reported waiting lists with thousands of people.
Uno de cada cuatro neoyorquinos agobiado por deudas de préstamos estudiantiles: encuesta
Anastasia Tomkin |
El informe revela disparidades por sexo y raza: las mujeres y las personas de color tienen mayores niveles de deuda y más dificultades para pagarla.
Meet Our Summer 2024 Youth Reporting Interns
CLARIFY (The City Limits Accountability Reporting Initiative for Youth) is working with more than two dozen talented high school students from across New York City, who are reporting on issues impacting their communities.
1 in 4 New York City Residents Burdened With Student Loan Debt: Survey
Anastasia Tomkin |
The report reveal disparities by gender and race, with women and people of color having higher levels of debt and facing more challenges in repaying it.
Opinion: Book Banners Are Going After Libraries. But So Is New York City’s Mayor.
Jonathan Friedman |
“Efforts to censor and prohibit books are not the same as municipal negotiations about library operating budgets. But they are not entirely unrelated either. Both are clear indications of how the value of public libraries and access to knowledge is under threat across America.”
Opinion: Investing in Future New Yorkers With ‘Baby Bonds’
Ben Guttmann |
“With investments starting at just $1,000 per newborn, the next generation of New Yorkers will be better prepared to thrive.”
Opinion: The Mayor Must Protect Homeless Youth
Amy Leipziger |
“The Adams administration, simply put, must do more to address the historic crisis of youth homelessness our city faces. Instead, the administration has made policies that will create a worse situation for some of the most vulnerable young people in our city.”
Opinion: NYC Can Give the Perfect Gift This Mother’s Day—Investing in Universal Child Care
Talya Wolf |
“It is easy to see how mothers are affected by the prohibitively expensive costs of child care, but perhaps less so to understand it as a communal crisis.”
Can Curbing CUNY’s Carbon Footprint Help Tackle Its Maintenance Problems?
Mariana Simões |
More than half of CUNY’s buildings are 50 years old or older. That’s a problem for the environment: older buildings tend to consume larger quantities of energy, generating more of the greenhouse gasses that lead to climate change.