Newly Arrived Immigrant Youth Face Challenges to School Enrollment

Federal law that protects the educational rights of homeless children and youth under 21 says young adults should be enrolled in school immediately, but the city is not meeting this requirement, advocates say. They report newly arrived immigrant youth being placed on waiting lists, told there are no spaces, or advised to take the General Educational Development (GED) high school equivalency test instead.

1.600 familias con niños han visto expirar sus estancias en refugios; otras 7.200 esperan el vencimiento de sus plazos

Los primeros desalojos de familias inmigrantes con niños bajo la política de estadía de 60 días de la alcaldía comenzó el 9 de enero. Desde entonces, unas 1.600 familias se han visto obligadas a abandonar sus refugios tras expirar su plazo, mientras que otras 7.200 han recibido avisos de 60 días que expirarán en las próximas semanas.

International High School at Lafayette. 2630 Benson Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11214

How Climate Change is Hitting NYC Public Schools

More than a quarter of the city’s public school buildings are currently at risk from extreme stormwater flooding, according to an analysis by the Comptroller’s Office shared with City Limits. Teachers, students and environmental groups are pushing for more weather-resilient schools.