“We need to be crystal clear: if you’re managing our money, you better be taking climate risk seriously and cutting off financing for new fossil fuel projects. If not, we’re taking our business elsewhere.”
Opinion: Wall Street Fuels Predatory Real Estate. It’s Time for a Public Bank Alternative
Jodie Leidecker |
“Redirecting our public funds to a public bank would enable the city to divest from banks that harm New Yorkers, and invest in tenant-owned housing, community land trusts, worker cooperative small businesses, and green energy projects—leveraging our tax dollars to strengthen communities rather than prey on them.”
Opinion: Our Affordable Housing Workforce Must Reflect the Communities It Serves
Shawn Hegele and Christina Harsch |
“Right now, roles in the affordable housing sector remain unfilled, and working-class New Yorkers continue to face unemployment or find themselves stuck in jobs with little potential for economic mobility.”
Opinion: Local Nutrition Programs Are More Important Than Ever
Melissa Gallanter |
“With federal nutrition assistance facing an uncertain future, local organizations must step in to fill the gaps. But programs like ours are already stretched thin, and we will rely even more heavily on local government if federal support is cut.”
Hochul propone medidas para reducir la pobreza infantil, pero ¿serán suficientes?
Daniel Parra |
Según los expertos, Nueva York es el único estado que cuenta con crédito tributario por hijos reembolsable que excluye a las familias con bajos ingresos del acceso al máximo beneficio, lo que limita su efecto contra la pobreza. Si se promulga la propuesta de la gobernadora, esto por fin cambiaría.
Hochul Proposes Steps to Reduce Child Poverty, But Will It Be Enough?
Daniel Parra |
New York is the only state with a refundable child tax credit that excludes low-income families from accessing the maximum amount, limiting its anti-poverty effect, experts say. If the governor’s proposal is enacted, that would finally change.
Opinion: NYC Create in Place & Safeguarding Our Creative Capital
Anne del Castillo and B.J. Jones |
“If the city is to remain a global leader in arts and culture, it must rethink its approach to helping cultural organizations and creative businesses thrive.”
Opinion: We Need to Make it Easier to Open a Day Care in NYC
Maya Kurien and Grace Rauh |
“There are many factors at play, including the unfavorable economics of running a child care business, keeping many potential providers from opening or expanding.”
Red Hook Residents See Rash of Stolen Food Stamps, As Reimbursement Funds Expire
Jeanmarie Evelly and Tatyana Turner |
A provision to extend the federal refund program for victims of SNAP theft was tucked into a massive Congressional spending bill that failed to pass, leaving future reimbursements uncertain. “They took every penny,” said Pinkie Grier, a great grandmother in Red Hook who had her benefits drained earlier this month.
Recursos alimenticios en NYC para las fiestas de 2024
Jeanmarie Evelly |
Desde la pandemia, uno de cada tres habitantes de Nueva York ha recurrido a una despensa de alimentos, según un estudio reciente de Robin Hood y la Universidad de Columbia. City Limits presenta una lista de lugares donde la gente puede encontrar ayuda alimentaria y otros recursos contra el hambre.
NYC Food Resources for the 2024 Holiday Season
Jeanmarie Evelly |
Since the pandemic, one in every three New York City residents has used a food pantry, according to a recent study from Robin Hood and Columbia University. Here, City Limits rounds up a list of where people can find food assistance and other anti-hunger resources.