“If the city is to remain a global leader in arts and culture, it must rethink its approach to helping cultural organizations and creative businesses thrive.”
Opinion: Building a Fiscal Fortress Against Trump
Justin Brannan |
“We must use every dollar of our $113 billion New York City budget as a brick in the wall against whatever fresh hell Trump tries to cook up next year.”
NYC Housing Calendar, Nov. 8-18
Jeanmarie Evelly |
City Limits rounds up the latest housing and land use-related events, public hearings and affordable housing lotteries that are ending soon.
Opinion: Reducing Fare Evasion Starts With Expanding Access to Fair Fares, Not Policing
Ryan Vinh |
“The MTA’s budgetary woes will not be solved by issuing fare evasion tickets in neighborhoods like Brownsville, where one in three residents live in poverty, especially when overtime pay for NYPD officers in the subway climbed from $4 million to $155 million in 2023.”
En medio de ofensiva contra vendedores ambulantes, votantes de Nueva York sopesan si ampliar control sobre venta ambulante
Daniel Parra |
El Departamento de Sanidad (DSNY por sus siglas en inglés) y la Policía de Nueva York (NYPD por sus siglas en inglés), los dos principales organismos encargados de hacer cumplir las normas de venta ambulante desde 2023, han emitido en conjunto 9.028 multas a vendedores en lo que va de año. El repunte se produce cuando los votantes sopesarán el martes sobre la Propuesta de Votación 2, que ampliará la autoridad de Sanidad sobre la venta ambulante.
Amid Street Vendor Crackdown, NYC Voters Approve Enforcement Expansion
Daniel Parra |
The Department of Sanitation (DSNY) and NYPD, the two main enforcement agencies for street vending rules since 2023, have together issued 9,028 tickets to vendors so far this year. The uptick comes as voters last Tuesday approved Ballot Proposal 2, which expands Sanitation’s enforcement authority over vending.
Opinion: Another Superstorm Sandy Would be an Economic Disaster for Working Families
Theodore A. Moore |
“We must build a future where every New Yorker makes a living wage and earns enough to cover the basic necessities to survive and then some, so that a climate emergency doesn’t mean financial ruin and impossible existential choices.”
NYCHA distribuirá $185 millones de dólares para ayudar a los hogares que deben alquiler
Jeanmarie Evelly |
La autoridad de vivienda dice que ha identificado alrededor de 61.500 hogares con deudas de alquiler que pueden calificar para los nuevos fondos de asistencia, que podrán solicitar completando un formulario de consentimiento en el Portal de Autoservicio de NYCHA.
NYCHA to Distribute $185M to Aid Households That Owe Rent. Here’s What to Know
Jeanmarie Evelly |
The housing authority says it has identified roughly 61,500 households with rent debt that may qualify for the new relief funds, who will be able to apply by filling out a consent form in NYCHA’s Self-Service Portal.
Opinion: NYC’s Car-Lite Future is an Economic Imperative, Not a Fantasy
Joseph Cohen and Eddie Cohen |
“Congestion pricing is not just about alleviating traffic; it’s about recognizing that a future designed around the automobile is one of economic stagnation.”
NYCHA Still Reeling With Rent Debts From COVID-19
Tatyana Turner |
At a recent City Council hearing, NYCHA shared that more than 70,000 households still owe rent, due in large part to being put at the back of the line for state pandemic rent relief.