Opinion: Addressing the Plight of New Yorkers Aging Behind Bars

“We witness firsthand the challenges that our older participants face when they come to us, usually because they no longer have family to turn to after such long periods of incarceration: physical health issues that might be less severe if treated properly sooner; unaddressed trauma, greatly exacerbated by incarceration; lack of financial resources; and homelessness.”

Data Drop: NYPD Issued Majority of Street Vending Tickets in 2022

The NYPD and the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP) together doled out 5,197 tickets to vendors last year, with the police department issuing significantly more tickets, despite a de Blasio-era pledge to shift them away from enforcement. After an eight-month delay, the DOHMH will also begin issuing applications for new supervisory licenses for vendors by the end of the month.

El largo camino hacia la justicia para las víctimas del robo de salarios en Nueva York

 Más de tres años después de que 15 trabajadoras de una lavandería presentaran su primera denuncia ante Letitia James, la fiscal general de Nueva York, las empleadas -todas ellas mujeres inmigrantes latinas- recibieron por fin los primeros cheques de los salarios que se les debían. El caso es emblemático de lo que puede ser un largo camino hacia la justicia para las víctimas del robo de salarios, que los legisladores estiman impacta a unos 2,1 millones de neoyorquinos cada año.

At Overdue Hearing, Advocates Push NYC to Fulfill Promise of Housing Court Help for Low-Income Tenants

The city’s landmark Right to Counsel law was the country’s first to guarantee legal representation in housing court to low-income tenants most at risk for eviction. But advocates and providers say it’s been undermined in recent months as the courts schedule eviction cases faster than there are available housing attorneys to take them. “When the law was first passed, it worked,” Ruth Riddick, a Flatbush tenant, testified Friday at a city hearing on the initiative.