Tensión por condiciones en albergues de emergencia mientras Nueva York lucha por alojar a inmigrantes

Durante semanas, City Limits ha hablado con personas en dos de los centros humanitarios de emergencias humanitarias y socorro (HERRC por sus siglas en inglés) de la ciudad: uno en el Hotel ROW y otro en el Hotel Watson de Manhattan, donde recientemente se trasladó a hombres adultos a un centro de acogida en la Terminal de Cruceros de Brooklyn, en Red Hook.

melrose lot

Buried Beneath: The Fight to Clean Up Toxic Brownfields in The Bronx

During the Fall 2022 semester, Lehman College journalism students conducted an investigation on the prevalence of toxic brownfield sites in The Bronx. Using public information, research into federal lobbying records and interviews with experts and residents, the student journalists set out to understand how this contamination happened and why progress towards remediation was so slow.

Opinion: City’s Homeless Count Misses a Critical Population—Unhoused New Yorkers in Hospitals

“The city’s annual census–known as the Homeless Outreach Population Estimate (HOPE)–has served as a tool for measuring our progress toward ending street homelessness. However, HOPE misses a critical component of NYC’s ecosystem: hospitals. By ignoring this population segment, the city underestimates the true number of unhoused individuals.”