NYC Housing Calendar, March 2-8
Jeanmarie Evelly |
City Limits rounds up the latest housing and land use-related events, public hearings and upcoming affordable housing lotteries that are ending soon.
City Limits’ coverage of housing and homelessness in New York City is supported by Trinity Church Wall Street and Robin Hood.
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City Limits rounds up the latest housing and land use-related events, public hearings and upcoming affordable housing lotteries that are ending soon.
The city’s landmark Right to Counsel law was the country’s first to guarantee legal representation in housing court to low-income tenants most at risk for eviction. But advocates and providers say it’s been undermined in recent months as the courts schedule eviction cases faster than there are available housing attorneys to take them. “When the law was first passed, it worked,” Ruth Riddick, a Flatbush tenant, testified Friday at a city hearing on the initiative.
The governor’s proposed budget did not include funding for the state-run Homeowner Protection Program, or HOPP, a network of legal service providers and counselors aimed at preventing foreclosures. Program supporters say the omission ‘makes no sense’ as New York grapples with a housing crisis, which Hochul’s administration has centered as a policy focus this year.
La Ley Municipal 97 promete reducir las emisiones de carbono y crear una ciudad más eficiente desde el punto de vista energético. Pero los ambientalistas advierten que la normativa actual deja un vacío legal que permite a los propietarios, sobre todo a los de oficinas, saltarse el cumplimiento de la ley.
“The answer is clear. We need to stop burning fossil fuels in buildings. It’s not too late for New York’s gas utilities to help us do that.”
The New York City Comptroller’s Office will investigate oversight of NYCHA contractors and eviction rates at privatized developments — the first of two probes under a new initiative that lets NYCHA tenants weigh in directly on public housing audits.
City Limits rounds up the latest housing and land use-related events, public hearings and upcoming affordable housing lotteries that are ending soon.
Defensores de inmigrantes están haciendo sonar la alarma por los presupuestos preliminares tanto de la gobernadora Hochul como del alcalde Adams ya que no solo dejan por fuera varios programas emblemáticos por los que han luchado en los últimos años los activistas, sino que también proponen reducciones en programas que imparten clases de inglés, educación y ciudadanía de los que dependen los inmigrantes neoyorquinos.
“If Mayor Adams truly wants to make good on his promises to stem the homelessness crisis in the city and provide substantive mental health to the city’s youth, he must first make it easier, not harder, to access safe and affordable housing.”
Local Law 97 promises to reduce carbon emissions and create a more energy efficient city. But environmentalists warn that the current rules create a loophole for landlords, especially those that own office properties, to simply buy their way out of complying.