Sarah Kerr
Long lines remained as Election Day neared its end at PS 54 on Webster Avenue.
As one of the bluest counties in the country, and the poorest and least-white borough in the city, the Bronx is often considered an electoral monolith, where one size fits all. But while most people in the mainland borough might vote the same way, that doesn’t mean they feel the same way. And as a team of City Limits Bronx interns learned today, it doesn’t mean they get to the decision of whom to support by anything like a uniform process. Here’s what our interns heard:
Rachel Jensen, 32, who was voting at Hostos Community College, said, “Many of our ancestors died so that we can have the right to vote,” and added, “As a woman and as a woman of color it’s really important for me to make my voice heard through participating in our democracy.”
At the Bronx County Courthouse on 161st Street, Jose Fernandez, 35, said: “What helped me decide on who to vote in the presidential elections was the obvious Lunatic actions and choice of words from Donald Trump.” Carmen Diaz, 67, offered this reason: “I’ve always voted for democrats because my family has showed to always vote for the democratic candidate.”
Also outside the courthouse overlooking Yankee Stadium, Murad Alkadi, 34, told a reporter: “The time we’re living in influenced my vote. I want to be apart of history.” For Similey Ulaballey, 67, the choice was simple (“I voted for Hillary because I’m a Democrat”) while for Ana Paiz, 63, it was unpleasant. “I voted for Hillary,” she said, “but I don’t like her.”
At the Michelangelo Apartments on 149th Street, Nuris Sanchez said, “I’m voting because I want to change the future of my kids and also because there are people who can’t not vote so it is like not only my vote, it is also their vote. I’m voting for a better future and the only way is to vote for Hilary.”
“This is my first time voting,” said Maribel López, “and I know I’m doing the right thing by voting for Hilary Clinton she’s the one who will make this country better.”
Wilson Lora gave his view: “I decided to vote because when I analyze which things Hilary and Trump what to improve or change. I knew Hilary was the one because she really wants to help the old people and the children, not like Trump who wants to take away the help for the people in society.”
“The history of the candidate, everything she stand for for the past years motivated me to vote for her,” said James Jackson. “They are both liars but one is better than the other so I made my choice about it.”
And at the polling place inside the Concourse Village complex, Simon Silva, 64, said newspaper articles helped her decide to vote and who for, while 75-year-old Vani Silva said it “was hearing news on TV and some opinions from” Democrats and Republicans.
A woman named Rosa, 74, said, “I want the best for this country. All people that come to this country [want] a better life and if I don’t vote that means that I don’t care about the future of my country.”
Eighty-two-year-old Virginia Rodriguez, put it this way: “We are old people and we want the best for our son and daughter, by voting for Hillary Clinton we’re guaranteeing a better future for them.”
But 72-year-old Araida Nuñes had the simplest reason: She said she voted because it’s what she’s used to doing on Election Day.