¿Cuáles fueron las áreas con mayor y menor número de viviendas asequibles de Nueva York?

“La realidad es que tenemos una crisis de vivienda, pero el sur del Bronx no puede soportar la carga de la vivienda asequible por sí solo”, dijo el Concejal Rafael Salamanca, cuyo distrito produjo el mayor número de unidades asequibles el año pasado y en la última década. “Necesitamos que todos los 51 distritos del concejo de la ciudad hagan su justa parte”.

The NYC Neighborhoods Leading, and Lagging, on Affordable Housing

“The reality is that we have a housing crisis, but the South Bronx cannot bear the burden of affordable housing on its own,” said Councilmember Rafael Salamanca, whose district produced the greatest number of affordable units last year and over the past decade. “We need all 51 council districts to do their fair share.”

Building in Brooklyn Council District 35? Here’s What the Rep—And Community Members—Want in New Development

Councilmember Crystal Hudson’s development framework details criteria that projects in her district should meet if they need city approval for zoning changes. “We can all contribute to the housing crisis that we’re in and build more housing, but do so in a way that’s really responsive to the needs of our local communities,” the lawmaker said.