The Max & Murphy Show
The Coast, the Climate and the Race for Mayor
Jarrett Murphy |
The city’s waterfront is home to vulnerability, inequality and opportunity for the next mayor to deal with, advocates tell WBAI’s Max & Murphy Show
Covering the races for mayor, public advocate, comptroller, borough president, district attorney, City Council and judge.
The city’s waterfront is home to vulnerability, inequality and opportunity for the next mayor to deal with, advocates tell WBAI’s Max & Murphy Show
Monique Johnson, Irene Estrada, Marjorie Velazquez, John Perez and Marilyn Soto are in the running for the soon-to-be open seat held by Councilmember Mark Gjonaj, who announced in February that he won’t be seeking reelection.
Grandes diferencias en dinero recaudado para la campaña separan a los candidatos en el distrito 8 que incluye barrios de Manhattan y el sur del Bronx.
Candidates also touted their cannabis industry plans and their Earth Day credentials.
Big differences in money raised for the campaign separate the candidates in the 8th district, which includes neighborhoods in Manhattan and the South Bronx.
Curtis Sliwa and Fernando Mateo are vying to be the GOP alternative to whoever emerges victorious from the crowded Democratic primary.
He’s raised big money from real estate, advocated for lots of development, and approved the majority of development deals he’s considered—with a few important exceptions.
‘In jurisdictions dominated by one political party like New York City, Ranked Choice Voting alone likely won’t be an effective remedy for political divisions, since the partisans of the dominant party might lack a real incentive to care about the concerns of voters from the opposition party.’
Candidates for mayor pitched policies on a range of topics last week—and people running for comptroller, borough president, district attorney and Council joined in.
A video primer on the challenges and opportunities that New York City’s growing 65+ population will deliver, and the questions candidates should answer about it.