Una Ciudad sin Límites
Cambio de estatus de millones de inmigrantes depende de 10 senadores
Daniel Parra |
¿Cuáles son las perspectivas del proyecto de ley que se quiere presentar para aprobación de la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado?
¿Cuáles son las perspectivas del proyecto de ley que se quiere presentar para aprobación de la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado?
A leading State Senator and a top City Hall aide say the Empire State and the Big Apple need shots in the arm from the feds—literally and figuratively.
The Brooklyn state senator is looking to trade a senior perch in the Democratic conference in Albany for the city’s No. 3 post.
In this week’s episode, Spanish-language reporter Daniel Parra discusses his recent profile of Jose Serrano, who retired at the end of 2020 after representing the South Bronx in Congress for 30 years.
Can audits, pension investments, and policy reports combat climate change and craft a more equal New York?
City Limits’ editor Jarrett Murphy catches us up on the ongoing Manhattan District Attorney’s race. At least eight candidates are running, several of whom have announced policies that could greatly reshape the office’s role.
Two top political observers weigh in on the mayor’s final lap and the 2021 elections.
Según algunos estimados alrededor de un millón de personas son elegibles para acogerse al programa.
City Limits’ housing reporting Sadef Kully discusses the city’s shift to online public hearing and meetings, which make it easier for some New Yorkers to attend but has drawn other complaints.
After bail and discovery reform and the repeal of 50-a, Senate Codes Committee Chair Jamaal Bailey maps out an agenda.