Campaign 2017: The Policy Shop
Election 2017 Policy Brief: Closing Rikers
Jarrett Murphy |
There will be questions about this topic during the mayoral race. The bigger questions will be answered down the line.
There will be questions about this topic during the mayoral race. The bigger questions will be answered down the line.
As candidates for Brooklyn district attorney debate bail policy, campaign donations from the bail-bond industry have come under scrutiny.
Algunas de estas estafas implican servicios relacionados con la ley de inmigración. Pero otros fraudes financieros están también emergiendo, atacando a personas que se sienten ahora menos seguros de ir a la policía.
Some of the cons involve services related to immigration law. But other financial scams are also popping up, preying on people who now feel less confident about going to the police.
Public Advocate hopeful JC Polanco also believes relatives of the severely mentally ill should be legally obligated to report when those patients appear dangerous.
The mayor’s decision to omit people convicted of a list of 170 crimes from a program providing legal counsel to detained people facing deportation will affect the very cases where good advice is critical to a just outcome, providers say.
The biggest reason for the doubts about de Blasio’s devotion to closing Rikers is that doing so will require tough decisions in a policy area where this mayor faces unusually high expectations and especially acute risks.
The city’s Homeless Services Police Department’s role in keeping shelters safe has been under more scrutiny, and there are signs the service has improved. But more training is necessary, some critics say.
A point of contention among the candidates is how much the DA’s office is currently doing to limit the use of bail in cases involving alleged misdemeanors and nonviolent felonies.
Some defendants as recently as three weeks ago accepted plea offers that may not exist under the new directive from Attorney General Jeff Sessions.