NYC Housing Calendar, April 23-29
Jeanmarie Evelly |
City Limits rounds up the latest housing and land use-related events, public hearings and affordable housing lotteries that are ending soon.
City Limits’ coverage of housing and homelessness in New York City is supported by Trinity Church Wall Street and Robin Hood.
More housing-related series:
City Limits rounds up the latest housing and land use-related events, public hearings and affordable housing lotteries that are ending soon.
“Setting our sights on the future, I am confident in the city’s ability to not only catch up with, but actually surpass Local Law 97’s next target: a 50 percent carbon emission reduction goal by fiscal year 2030.”
From “good cause” carve outs to adjusted IAI caps, City Limits breaks down how major planks of the state budget deal will impact tenants’ eviction protections—and rents.
“Both city and state governments must extend their efforts beyond the final budget deal, recognizing that tenants’ well-being is intertwined with the physical and financial stability of their homes and addressing root causes rather than assigning blame.”
“As a voice and advocate for my community, including my neighbors, friends and residents, it is important for me to ensure that their concerns and questions are resolved.”
En los dos últimos años, más de 189.200 inmigrantes han llegado a la ciudad de Nueva York y unos 64.400 están actualmente al amparo de la ciudad; de ellos, aproximadamente el 17 por ciento proceden de países africanos, según la alcaldía.
During the last two years, over 189,200 migrants have come to New York City and about 64,400 are currently under the city’s care; of those, roughly 17 percent are from African countries, according to City Hall.
Viewed in isolation, a proposal to exempt small residential portfolios from new eviction protections could exclude hundreds of thousands of New York City apartments. Perhaps more significantly, this type of estimate isn’t easy to make.
“The 60-day shelter limit runs counter to the very purpose of shelters: to keep vulnerable homeless families and individuals safe and off the streets.”
La alcaldía dice que aún no ha comenzado a aplicar las evaluaciones de “circunstancias atenuantes” que podrían alargar la estadía en un refugio, mientras que migrantes siguen durmiendo en el suelo de una iglesia que ahora se utiliza como “overnight hospitality center” (centro de acogida para pasar la noche).