Ask a Housing Expert: The Potential of Rental Vouchers

City Limits’ Deputy Editor Emma Whitford recently sat down with Baaba Halm, vice president and New York market leader at the housing nonprofit Enterprise Community Partners, for a conversation about voucher programs, the opportunities for stability and mobility they can bring as well as the challenges.

NY Heat Act rally

Why Environmental Groups are Backing the NY Heat Act

The bill includes a provision that has the power to curb the expansion of gas infrastructure in New York. “Why put new gas pipes in the ground for new construction, when we’ve already passed laws saying we should be moving away from using gas?” the bill’s sponsor Senator Liz Krueger told City Limits. 

Eric Adams at City Hall

City Hall Digs In Against Rental Voucher Expansion

Mayor Eric Adams argued in new court filings that his administration has special authority as an “arm of the state”—part of a lawsuit that the Legal Aid Society filed in February over City Hall’s refusal to implement a suite of laws to expand access to city-funded rental vouchers.

Ciria Santiago in her home

Legisladores neoyorquinos estudian reformas fiscales para ayudar a declarantes con ITIN

Tanto el Senado como la Asamblea estatal han incluido en sus propuestas presupuestarias reformas fiscales que beneficiarían a las personas con un número de identificación personal del contribuyente (ITIN por sus siglas en inglés), a menudo utilizadas por los trabajadores inmigrantes. Sus defensores afirman que ampliar los beneficios tributarios a esta población ayudaría a reducir la pobreza infantil.