La mitad de los detenidos se negó a recibir la vacuna y dicen que no se les dio información, el director de la cárcel dice que se ha dado información.
Un juez federal bloqueó temporalmente la moratoria de deportaciones de 100 días propuesta por el presidente Biden y días después varios cientos de personas fueron deportadas.
The economy would have been a major topic in this campaign year even if COVID-19 never happened. Now, amid massive unemployment, a fiscal emergency, and potential long-term changes in commuting and retail, it’s pivotal.
‘The city, public officials, and developers have all built an increasingly fevered false sense of urgency that shows just how desperate they are to ram through the rezoning while the public is sidelined by the pandemic, economic crisis, and weak sauce virtual hearings.’
This June’s Democratic primary is only the third time since 1969 that Bronx voters get an open competition for borough leader.