Victoria Edwards
Jose Luis Roman drafts his analog Tweet to the president.
There’s barely a day that goes by when President Donald Trump’s tweets don’t make the news – whether for disparaging comments about MSNBC’s hosts, the cast of Hamilton or news on his proposed healthcare bill.
But while Trump does much of his communication through Twitter, some of those most affected by his policies do not: Only 6 percent of people older than 65 have Twitter, while 18 percent of those between 50 and 64 are on that social media platform.
But many of the programs Trump would cut directly affect seniors. He is looking to cut federal funding for programs like the one that makes the city’s Department for the Aging’s Senior Community Service Employment Program – a training program with a stipend that helps low-income seniors (over 55) find employment — possible.
The program, authorized by Title V of the Older Americans Act, enlists social service agencies around the five boroughs to provide workplace training for seniors. In the city, there are about 550 participants at a time, and the average program length is 11 months, according to the DFTA’s Zenovia Earle.
DFTA Commissioner Donna Corrado said if the program were cut it would have distressing affects on hundreds of older New Yorkers.
“The senior employment program provides retraining to better position older adults for today’s job market,” said Corrado. “Cutting the program would undermine the financial security and job prospects of seniors with limited incomes.”
Since they are unlikely to tweet back to the president, City Limits asked some of New York’s seniors what 140 character message they have about Trump’s proposed cuts. Listen:
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