From left to right: Murphy, Newman, Constantanides and Dunlea.
The San Bernardino shooting has shoved all other news off the table for the moment, but the ongoing climate talks in Paris are about a threat to life as we know it that’s easily as grave as the one posed by ISIS, if not as immediate. If that’s seems a specious parallel, check out this report on the looming national-security impact of climate change.
Last month, I convened on the set of BRIC’s daily noon news show BKLive three New Yorkers who work on climate issues, both local and global, daily.
Watch below what City Council Environmental Protection Committee Chairman Costas Constantinides, the Green Educational Legal Fund’s Mark Dunlea and WeACT’s Director of Environmental Health, Ogonnaya Dotson Newman had to say—in particular about the connections between the debate over climate change and the push for social justice.