Photo by: City Limits
City Limits began as a mimeographed-and-stapled newsletter in early 1976, in the midst of the mayoralty of Abraham Beame. Our magazine matured during the Koch and Dinkins years. When Rudy Giuliani was mayor, we launched our fax weekly and our email news bulletin. And during the tenure of our current and most tech-savvy mayor, our City Limits website went through at least three redesigns as we discovered social media and video, launched and then redesigned a Brooklyn site, and created a third site covering the Bronx.
Besides giving a little work to our very underpaid designers and developers, all these innovations had the same aim: Making it easier to get more policy-focused investigative and community news to more readers.
Now a new mayor approacheth, and some new technology is in order. Today City Limits is unveiling its new-and-improve City Limits app, which blends the news streams of all three of our sites and is available on iPad, iPhone and Android.
As has been true since Gutenberg invented his press, the content is what really matters—and we’re aggressively pursuing several stories that we hope will inform thinking about the de Blasio administration’s priorities, from hospitals to public housing to private contractors to food stamps.
But we hope the new techno-tools make following City Limits, sharing it with your friends easier.
And while you’re in a sharing mood, why not support City Limits so we can continue to investigate then publish information on the issues important to all of us. (hint, hint) easier. Happy reading!