Opinion: It’s Time to Pay Teachers What They Deserve
Ysiad Ferreiras |
“Teachers’ workloads are increasing without their salaries as they take on even more responsibilities to ensure the safety and well-being of their students.”
“Teachers’ workloads are increasing without their salaries as they take on even more responsibilities to ensure the safety and well-being of their students.”
“We know that social and emotional skills in schools support academic success. It is crucial that we continue to develop these competencies that contribute to our young people graduating from high school, and thriving in careers and in life. Young people will lose if we hamstring their teachers by letting go of the DESSA.”
“No student deserves to be effectively expelled for bringing a bottle opener to school. There is no disciplinary reason to do so. In the very rare case that students do act out violently and pose a continuing risk to other students, school officials still have the possibility to expel students.”
“New York City’s Department of Education recommends schools spend just $80.15 per student on arts education—yet school leaders can use that money for other classes and programs, often resulting in the total elimination of arts programming in a school.”
“Those of us teaching the children of New York City do the work. Not only are we not getting the support we need, but we have leadership that actively works against our interests. This has to change.”
“Instead of resetting priorities and learning from experiences during the pandemic, some schools are moving backwards to the pre-pandemic status quo that prevents many students and families from having equal access to educational opportunities.”
“Schools must be prepared and trained to administer Narcan, because the safety of our children far outweighs any political taboo. Needle exchange and overdose prevention sites must be equipped to offer free fentanyl testing strips and teach people who need them how to use this critical tool to prevent even more fatalities.”
“Unlike other data that reveals key insight on educational improvement—such as student attendance, academic performance, class size and the credentials of teachers and leaders—what curricula is being used in city schools is often unknown, in effect a black box. This makes it difficult to learn or study how curriculum choices and professional learning impact children’s learning.”
“While I applaud Gov. Hochul’s initial steps to alleviate the shortage of services in school, I hope that she and federal officials consider addressing the therapist shortage …Without those steps, waiting lists will remain long.”
Across the country, cities are transforming asphalt schoolyards into spongy, shady community centers. The new playground at PS 184M Shuang Wen School in Manhattan’s Chinatown, for example, has a porous turf field that can capture an estimated 1.3 million gallons of stormwater runoff.