Opinion: Amazon Deal’s Collapse Shows the Work Big Tech Must Do in NYC
Art Langer |
Big Tech can succeed here, but only if its presence benefits all New Yorkers.
Big Tech can succeed here, but only if its presence benefits all New Yorkers.
‘Progressives do not become progressives by exclusively catering to the building and construction trade unions interests, regardless of the merit or cause.’
‘The glaring omission in Mayor de Blasio’s 2019 State of the City address was what the city would do to support marginalized New Yorkers who are unemployed and not in a position to benefit from other progressive initiatives and policies.’
New York voted against Donald Trump, polls show the president to be deeply unpopular here, and his policies have negatively affected many, like transgender people and immigrants. But the president’s increased military spending has meant bigger contracts and more jobs at some NY defense and supply companies.
‘Instead of handing billions in public subsidies to mega-corporations, New York should invest in bottom-up economic development led by and benefiting people and communities of color, immigrants, and women.’
Household income is rising, but so is the poverty rate, on Staten Island’s North Shore, where a lack of jobs and a dearth of transportation options appear to go hand in hand.
‘The biggest impact in closing the skills gap will ultimately come from businesses partnering directly with local community colleges on workforce development programs.’
Calling all aspiring journalists! City Limits is currently accepting applications from NYC high school students for its CLARIFY (City Limits Accountability Reporting Initiative for Youth) introductory internship program for the fall of 2018.
Every time a zoning change or development project pushes the auto industry out of one neighborhood, it gets harder to find it a new home.
The De Blasio administration has expanded partnerships with unions and amped up construction safety requirements, but advocates say the city could go farther to ensure low income residents access real careers in the industry.