2020 election
Diferencia por contraste ¿en qué se diferencian Trump y Biden en temas de inmigración?
Daniel Parra |
¿Qué tan diferente es el enfoque de Joe Biden sobre la inmigración del de Donald Trump?
¿Qué tan diferente es el enfoque de Joe Biden sobre la inmigración del de Donald Trump?
More than 200,000 DACA recipients nationwide are considered essential workers in the pandemic.
‘In this moment, it’s worth repeating: We need action. Words of support for immigrants and people of color in this moment are nice, but they will not be enough.’
‘I was 17 when I was accepted to college at UCLA. But instead of a moment of celebration, a harsh reality set in. It was the moment I learned that I was undocumented. ‘
La administración actual ha declarado hoy que el programa de DACA expirará por completo el 5 de marzo del 2018. El Congreso tiene 6 meses para pasar legislación que salve a casi 1 millón the jóvenes estadounidenses para que no regresen a vivir en las sombras. ¡Esto es lo que tienes que saber ahora!
The current administration has declared today that the DACA program is set to fully expire on March 5, 2018. Congress has 6 months to pass legislation to save almost 1 million American youth from going back to living in the shadows. Here is what you need to know right now!