NYC Housing Calendar, April 30-May 6
Jeanmarie Evelly |
City Limits rounds up the latest housing and land use-related events, public hearings and affordable housing lotteries that are ending soon.
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City Limits rounds up the latest housing and land use-related events, public hearings and affordable housing lotteries that are ending soon.
“I’m surprised, I’m baffled, I’m angry,” said City Councilmember Sandy Nurse, who represents East New York, where the city ran an earlier basement conversion pilot in 2019. The area is excluded from the new program, which will only apply to 15 of the city’s 59 community districts.
To date, 37,707 NYCHA units are either in the planning and engagement stage, under construction or have already been converted to the Permanent Affordability Commitment Together (PACT) initiative, officials testified at a recent City Council hearing.
Hay 24 condados en la frontera sur de los Estados Unidos y 38 municipios del lado de México. Sólo en el ámbito comercial, el puerto terrestre de Laredo, en Texas, es el más activo de los Estados Unidos con $299.400 millones de dólares en comercio de bienes entrando y saliendo en 2022 y $320.000 millones de dólares en 2023.
A more vibrant NYCHA is on the horizon with a newly minted art program that will highlight art, heritage and culture at five public housing campuses. The selected artists will be paid $70,000 annually with benefits.
Según la alcaldía, dormir en el suelo supone un riesgo en caso de incendio. Pero las normas parecen estar sembrando confusión al menos en un “centro de acogida” en Brooklyn, donde a los residentes se les dijo a principios de este mes que no se les permitía dormir hasta las 2:30 a.m., de acuerdo con un video obtenido por City Limits.
“We are outraged,” said Rami Dinnawi, a steering committee member of the climate coalition New York Renews. “To see a budget come out that fails to address any of the urgent policies related to climate is an abdication of responsibility from the governor and from lawmakers.”
“In the 50 years since the Equal Credit Opportunity Act became law, so much has changed: women are home buyers, can open credit cards and despite a persistent gender wage gap, are able to accumulate wealth. But for survivors of domestic violence, the vast majority of whom experience economic abuse, so much remains the same.”
The mayor’s office said sleeping on the floor could be a fire hazard. But the rules appear to be sowing confusion, at least at one overnight site in Brooklyn, where residents were told earlier this month that they weren’t allowed to sleep before 2:30 a.m., according to a video obtained by City Limits.
Seven local organizations sought permission to file an amicus brief in support of the City Council and Legal Aid Society’s lawsuit, which is looking to compel the Adams administration to implement a package of laws to expand eligibility for CityFHEPS, a rental subsidy program.