Housing and Homelessness
NYC Council Asks: Who Should Pay the Broker Fee?
Emma Whitford |
Hundreds of tenants and brokers descended on City Hall Wednesday to debate legislation that would stop landlords from passing broker fees on to tenants.
City Limits’ coverage of housing and homelessness in New York City is supported by Trinity Church Wall Street and Robin Hood.
More housing-related series:
Hundreds of tenants and brokers descended on City Hall Wednesday to debate legislation that would stop landlords from passing broker fees on to tenants.
Harry DeRienzo, president emeritus and special advisor at the Banana Kelly Community Improvement Association, reflects on the legacy of New York City housing organizer and advocate Bonnie Brower, who passed away on June 2.
City Limits rounds up the latest housing and land use-related events, public hearings and affordable housing lotteries that are ending soon.
“Debemos recoger datos para entender cómo la ciudad ha apoyado las solicitudes para los permisos de trabajo, el espíritu empresarial, los programas de formación laboral y el acceso a la atención médica con el fin de identificar las lagunas en nuestros esfuerzos”, dijo la promotora de los proyectos de ley, la concejal Carlina Rivera.
While city officials cited the importance of restrooms for all residents of the city, highlighting the needs of young children and older New Yorkers, homeless people also rely heavily on public bathrooms, but face particular difficulty in accessing them, experts and advocates say.
“We must accumulate data to understand how the city has supported work permit applications, entrepreneurship, workforce development initiatives, and access to health care in order to identify the gaps in our efforts,” said the bill’s sponsor, Councilwoman Carlina Rivera.
Hundreds of thousands of applications began pouring in at midnight on Monday and will continue to be accepted online up until 11:59 p.m. this coming Sunday, June 9.
City Limits rounds up the latest housing and land use-related events, public hearings and affordable housing lotteries that are ending soon.
“Living without a home—a reality we’ve both faced—has shown us that the unhoused are often viewed not as people but as easy targets for acts of cruelty. The rampant criminalization of homelessness further lowers the threshold for violence against us.”
“Aquellas personas a las que se les ha negado albergue pero tienen acceso a servicios jurídicos, van a poder tener algún tipo de defensa”, dijo Deborah Berkman, directora de proyectos de la iniciativa de defensa de los refugios del New York Legal Assistance Group. “Sin servicios legales, parece casi imposible”. Adi TalwarInmigrantes haciendo fila frente al Centro de remisión de pasajes para inmigrantes y solicitantes de asilo (Reticketing Center) de la ciudad en el East Village el 22 de mayo de 2024. Este artículo se publicó originalmente en inglés el 25 de mayo. Traducido por Daniel Parra.