Staring Down the Wrecking Ball, These Brooklyn Grandmothers Won’t Be Moved
Emma Whitford |
A Crown Heights building in limbo could inspire more landlords to deregulate through demolition—or more tenants to fight to stay in their homes.
A Crown Heights building in limbo could inspire more landlords to deregulate through demolition—or more tenants to fight to stay in their homes.
Según el Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de Estados Unidos (USCIS por sus siglas en inglés), actualmente hay unos 544.690 beneficiarios activos de DACA en el país.
“Our findings also show jarring evidence that insurance carriers blatantly discriminate against affordable housing projects, in some cases completely refusing to provide coverage to homes just based on where they are located.”
“Not only are such increases necessary to secure investments in badly needed and widely desired public goods like education, health care, and housing, the costs of which are likely the driving factor behind the worrisome out-migration of working and middle class New Yorkers.”
City Limits rounds up the latest housing and land use-related events, public hearings and affordable housing lotteries that are ending soon.
“The rent stabilized building bubble will persist as long as there are greater fools to cash out bad bets. If Albany bails out this market now, with bad data and before the market has started to price buildings properly, they risk turning taxpayers into the greatest fools of all.”
Tanto el Senado como la Asamblea estatal han incluido en sus propuestas presupuestarias reformas fiscales que beneficiarían a las personas con un número de identificación personal del contribuyente (ITIN por sus siglas en inglés), a menudo utilizadas por los trabajadores inmigrantes. Sus defensores afirman que ampliar los beneficios tributarios a esta población ayudaría a reducir la pobreza infantil.
Both the Senate and the Assembly have included tax-related reforms in their “one-house” budget proposals that would impact those with Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs), often used by immigrant workers. Advocates say extending credits to this population would help reduce child poverty.
“Too many nonprofits are waiting on money owed by the same city that tells nonprofits to prepare to do more with less, again and again.”
New data suggests that the Department of Social Services is bouncing back from historically low processing rates for public benefits, though cash aid applications are being denied more frequently than they were before the COVID-19 pandemic.