City Looks to Expand Support for Entrepreneurs Who Call NYCHA Home

Niani Taylor, who lives in Brooklyn’s Van Dyke Houses, is among the small but growing number of NYCHA residents who report income from self-employment. Advocates say the Housing Authority could foster more entrepreneurs by expanding initiatives like its Business Pathways program, which helped Taylor grow her catering company. “I put my all into it.”

Vendedores ambulantes se oponen a que Departamento de Sanidad se encargue de hacer cumplir la ley del sector

La nueva oficina de investigación de Venta Ambulante del Departamento de Sanidad tendrá casi 40 empleados, frente a los 14 inspectores de vendedores de la configuración actual del Departamento de Protección del Consumidor y del Trabajador (DCWP por sus siglas en inglés). A los vendedores les preocupa que el cambio pueda penalizar aún más a su sector, que ha experimentado un reciente aumento de las infracciones municipales, como informó City Limits.

Opinion: To Deliver for New York’s Working Families, Mayor Adams Needs a Trifecta of Change

“If Mayor Adams wants to make a positive impact on the city and take his ‘working people’s agenda’ beyond rhetoric, he needs to embrace a trifecta of change that establishes a culture in City Hall centered on the needs of everyday New Yorkers. This means establishing a re-imagined social contract, ending the austerity mindset that has dominated the city’s budget and policymaking, and managing for consequential change.”