This week the City Limits team begins the exciting process of redesigning all of our electronic products. With the urging of our growing readership, we’re consolidating the information services we provide. Through and the City Limits Weekly, you will now be able to easily access all of the information that is of most interest to you—be it news, resources, events, jobs or classifieds.

Starting with the current issue, you’ll get the Weekly as an HTML file. That means you’ll be able to explore links for information beyond each story, easily navigate our jobs and classifieds services, and quickly communicate with us, all with just one click of the mouse. Later this year, we will launch a redesign of the look and navigation of both the Weekly and our web site,

You will also notice a new section of the Weekly—Inside Public Service. In this space we will expand our focus on the business of public service, helping you follow the news and keep on top of trends in the nonprofit sector and government. Each week, you’ll get original reporting and must-read links on the tough issues confronting the sector these days. We’ll be covering essentials like funding, regulation, and management–but not forget that results are what matter most. And in our monthly magazine, you’ll continue to find longer analysis and investigative reporting on the public service sector.

Input from our readers has driven this process. However, if you don’t find what you’re looking for in our new product, please email us at with “unsubscribe” in the subject line. It will greatly aid our redesign process if you include a few words about why you’ve chosen to end your subscription. And if you like what you see, please forward the City Limits Weekly to your colleagues.

Thanks to all of you for your support and input! And we look forward to continuing to offer you in-depth news and resources on public life in New York.