City Limits rounds up the latest housing and land use-related events, public hearings and affordable housing lotteries that are ending soon.

Adi Talwar
Businesses and homes on East Tremont Avenue in the proposed Bronx Metro-North rezoning area. The City Planning Commission will hold a public hearing Wednesday on the proposal.Welcome to City Limits’ NYC Housing Calendar, a weekly feature where we round up the latest housing and land use-related events and hearings, as well as upcoming affordable housing lotteries that are ending soon.
Know of an event we should include in next week’s calendar? Email us.
Upcoming Housing and Land Use-Related Events:
- Tuesday, May 14 at 9:30 a.m.: The NYC Council’s Committee on Housing and Buildings will hold an oversight hearing on the mayor’s executive budget proposal for the Department of Buildings (9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.) and Department of Housing, Preservation and Development (12 to 2:30 p.m.). More here.
- Tuesday, May 14 at 9:30 a.m.: The NYC Landmarks and Preservation Commission will meet on several applications, and will hold a public hearing on whether the banking room at Manhattan’s 1 Wall St. should be considered as an interior landmark. More here.
- Tuesday, May 14 at 10:30 a.m.: The New York State Senate’s Social Services committee will meet about several bills related to homelessness and public assistance. More here.
- Wednesday, May 15 at 10 a.m.: The NYC Planning Commission will meet to vote on several land use applications, and will hold a public hearing on a proposal for a 23-story commercial building at 500 Kent Ave. in Brooklyn, as well as on the city’s plan to rezone parts of the Bronx around two future Metro-North stations. More here.
- Wednesday, May 15 at 10:30 a.m.: The board of the New York City Public Housing Preservation Trust will meet. More here.
- Wednesday, May 15 at 6 p.m.: Housing Justice For All and New York’s Working Families Party will host a virtual workshop on the state’s new “good cause” eviction law and what it means for tenants. More here.
- Wednesday, May 15 and Thursday, May 16, all day: The New York State Association for Affordable Housing (NYSAFAH) will hold its annual conference focused on the state’s affordable housing sector. More here.
- Thursday, May 16 at 10 a.m.: The NYC Council’s Public Housing Committee will vote on a bill that would require the administration to submit annual reports on the progress of NYCHA’s Permanent Affordability Commitment Together (PACT) program. More here.
NYC Affordable Housing Lotteries Ending Soon: The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) are closing lotteries on the following subsidized buildings over the next week.
- Rockaway Village Apartments, Queens, for households earning between $16,972 – $154,080
- 27 Montrose Avenue Apartments, Brooklyn, for households earning between $96,000 – $181,740
- Arthur Avenue Senior Apartments (Waiting List), Bronx, for households earning between $0 – $69,900
- 45 Lenox Road Apartments, Brooklyn, for households earning between $65,143 – $218,010
- 1821 Prospect Avenue Apartments, Bronx, for households earning between $100,252 – $218,010