City Limits rounds up the latest housing and land use-related events, public hearings and affordable housing lotteries that are ending soon.

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People entering Brooklyn Housing Court located on the morning of March 20, 2023.Welcome to City Limits’ NYC Housing Calendar, a weekly feature where we round up the latest housing and land use-related events and hearings, as well as upcoming affordable housing lotteries that are ending soon.
Know of an event we should include in next Monday’s calendar? Email us.
Upcoming Housing and Land Use-Related Events:
- Tuesday, April 23 at 6 p.m.: The NYC Dept. of Housing, Preservation and Development will hold an online webinar for tenants and building owners on what to expect in housing court. Registration required. More here.
- Thursday, April 25 at 9:30 a.m.: The NYC Rent Guidelines Board will hold a public meeting to hear testimony from invited property owner groups (9:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.) and tenant groups (1 p.m.–3:30 p.m.). More here.
- Thursday, April 25 at 10 a.m.: The NYC Council’s Committee on Housing and Buildings will host an oversight hearing on building stability, as well as several pieces of legislation related to inspecting parking garage structures and the rights of tenants who’ve been displaced by fire or other emergency conditions. More here.
- Friday, April 26 at 10 a.m.: NYCHA’s Board will hold its monthly meeting. More here.
- Friday, April 26 at 11 a.m.: The NYC Dept. of Housing, Preservation and Development will hold an online webinar for building owners about “indoor allergen laws” and combating issues like rodents and mold. Registration required. More here.
- Monday, April 29 at 12 p.m.: The NYC Commission on Human Rights will offer this online class for tenants, landlords, and realtors on housing discrimination and tenant harassment. More here.
- Monday, April 29 at 1 p.m.: The NYC Planning Commission will hold a review session; the agenda is not yet available. More here.
NYC Affordable Housing Lotteries Ending Soon: The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) are closing lotteries on the following subsidized buildings over the next week.
- The Vitagraph (waiting list), Brooklyn, for households earning between $68,366 – $198,250
- 1140 Grant Ave Apartments, Bronx, for households earning between $113,726 – $227,630
- 1010 Bedford Avenue & 263 Skillman Street, Brooklyn, for households earning between $119,486 – $227,630
- 28-57 45th Street, Queens, for households earning between $100,320 – $198,250