Opinion: Adams’ Admin Should Invest More in Legal Services For Asylum Seekers
Raiza Guevara |
“Seeking asylum has become nearly as difficult as getting here in the first place.”
Adi Talwar
La fila frente al 26 de Federal Plaza una mañana de 2015. El edificio es uno de los dos lugares de la ciudad donde se celebran audiencias de inmigración.
“Seeking asylum has become nearly as difficult as getting here in the first place.”
Los inmigrantes son un grupo vulnerable a la trata de personas por distintos factores: su estatus migratorio, desconocimiento del idioma, falta o limitado acceso a servicios de salud, desconocimiento de las redes de apoyo locales, entre otras.
“People are bringing it up, people are talking about it and thinking about what can be done, but I don’t know that that has translated very well into action yet,” said Victoria Sanders, research analyst at the New York City Environmental Justice Alliance. “We really want to see actions starting to play out.”