City Limits rounds up the latest housing and land use-related events, public hearings and affordable housing lotteries that are ending soon.

Jeff Reed/NYC Council
Broadway closed to traffic for NYC’s “Car Free Day,” 2019.
Welcome to City Limits’ NYC Housing Calendar, a weekly feature where we round up the latest housing and land use-related events and hearings, as well as upcoming affordable housing lotteries that are ending soon. If you know of an event we should include in next week’s calendar, email
To get more resources like this as well as our latest reporting on local housing issues, sign up for City Limits’ Mapping the Future newsletter here.
Upcoming Housing and Land Use-Related Events:
- Friday, May 5 to Sunday, May 7, times vary: The Municipal Art Society of New York will host its annual Jane’s Walk celebration, a weekend of events and public tours in honor of late urbanist Jane Jacobs. Find the full schedule here.
- Monday, May 8, 9:30 a.m.: The NYC Council General Welfare committee will hold a public hearing on the upcoming budget for several city agencies that oversee housing and homelessness: Human Resources Administration, Department of Social Services and Department of Homeless Services. More here.
- Monday, May 8, 1 p.m.: The City Planning Commission will hold a review session. More here.
- Monday, May 8, 10 a.m.: The City Planning Commission will hold a public hearing. More here
- Tuesday, May 9 at 930 a.m.: The Landmarks Preservation Commission will hold a public hearing. More here.
- Tuesday, May 9 at 6 p.m.: The city’s Department of Housing, Preservation and Development will hold a virtual workshop for tenants and property owners on New York’s rent laws and navigating housing court. More here.
- Wednesday, May 10 at 12 p.m.: The NYC Council’s Land Use committee will meet about projects in Brooklyn and The Bronx. More here.
- Wednesday, May 10 at 6 p.m.: WNET will host on online forum discussion titled, “MORE THAN SHELTER: A Town Hall about Homelessness and Community.” More here.
NYC Housing Lotteries Ending Soon: The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) are closing lotteries on the following subsidized buildings over the next week:
- 187 20th Street Apartments, Brooklyn, for households earning between $103,475 – $156,130
- 104-08 Northern Blvd Apartments, Queens, for households earning between $75,360 – $156,130
- 41-25 149th Place, Queens, for households earning between $85,715 – $187,330
- Compass Six Residences, The Bronx, for households earning between $16,183 – $132,400
- 841a Morris Park Avenue Apartments, The Bronx, for households earning between $75,429 – $156,130
- 375 Lefferts Avenue Apartments, Brooklyn, for households earning between $98,915 – $156,130