“In the city’s hands for almost three decades, the vacant, landmarked Kingsbridge Armory—the world’s largest, built in 1917 for the National Guard—is still empty, despite a deal seemingly sealed in 2012.”
El posible brote de COVID-19 y la huelga de hambre en el centro penitenciario del condado de Orange (OCCF por sus siglas en inglés) fueron dos de los temas principales durante la primera reunión del comité de inmigración del Concejo de la ciudad en 2022.
There are some 16,000 scattered-site supportive housing units across the city, rented and overseen by nonprofits contracted to provide services to tenants. But outdated contracts that trail actual market rents mean the organizations—and the state and city agencies that fund them—are propping up some of the city’s worst housing.