‘While the scourge of domestic violence is found within all communities, ultra-Orthodox Jewish women face additional and unique challenges. Understanding how someone’s culture heavily informs the choices they make, enables us to better serve domestic violence survivors and also eliminates barriers.’
The shift to remote-only civic meetings during the pandemic is impacting how communities get to weigh in on important city proposals, like rezonings. It’s led to more people attending — but there have also been problems, and criticism.
Se crearon 46 sedes o ‘centros comunitarios’ del partido. Cinco de ellos enfocados para la coalición de afroamericanos, cinco para Latinos for Trump, la coalición de latinos y dos para la coalición de asiáticos.
Those who’ve experienced solitary confinement report lasting and debilitating effects from the isolation, and struggle to find programs to help them cope after release. At the same time, New York is still isolating people in prisons.