Adi Talwar

Inwood, seen from the Bronx shore of the Harlem River.

Most New Yorkers don’t live in one of the neighborhoods that has undergone or been slated for a rezoning by the de Blasio administration. Many New Yorkers have never visited places like Jerome Avenue in the Bronx, Bay Street in Staten Island or East New York in Brooklyn. That creates something of a disconnect: The rezonings are ostensibly designed in large part to address a citywide need—the thirst for more housing—but will primarily affect a few very local communities.

For most of us, the proposed rezonings are lines on a map. For residents of places like Inwood, where a possible rezoning has just begun public review, the looming changes have real-world impact, be it good or bad.

To give non-Inwoodites a sense of what that area looks like now, City Limits dispatched photographer Adi Talwar to document the sections of the neighborhood as identified by the Economic Development Corporation (EDC) in the map immediately below. As we explain on page 2 of this week’s Inwood newsletter, each area would receive unique treatment under the administration’s rezoning proposal.

(For a slightly different look at another neighborhood facing a possible rezoning check our our two video walking tours of Jerome Avenue, here and here.)

The EDC Map
Click on a section name to see photos:
Tip of Manhattan | Upland Wedge | Upland Core | Commercial “U” | Sherman Creek

Tip of Manhattan

Corner of 219 Street and 9th Avenue.

Corner of 219 Street and 9th Avenue.

Adi Talwar

PS/IS 18 located on the corner of 220 Street and 9th Avenue.

Another view of PS/IS 18

9th Avenue North of 220th Street.

Upland Wedge

Adi Talwar

Corner of 10th Avenue and 213th street .

Under the elevated track of the 1 train on 10th Avenue near 215th Street .

Under the elevated track of the 1 train on 10th Avenue near 215th Street .

Adi Talwar

Broadway at 213th Street.

Upland Core

Adi Talwar

Corner of Academy Avenue and Seaman Avenue.

Adi Talwar

Corner of 204 Street and Seaman Avenue.

Adi Talwar

Good Shepard Church on the corner of Broadway and Isham Street.


Commercial “U”

207th Street, South of Sherman Avenue

Dan’s Supermarket, corner of 207th Street and Vermilyea Avenue.

Another view of 207th Street and Vermilyea Avenue.

View from courtyard at Boardyke Apartments located at 4761 Broadway.

Corner of Broadway and Cumming Street.

Adi Talwar

Corner of 207th Street and 10th Avenue.

207th Street , West of 10th Avenue: On Point Barber Shop .

Adi Talwar

Corner of 207th Street and Sherman Avenue .

Sherman Creek

Amigo Produce on the corner of 206th Street and 9th Avenue.

3816 9th Avenue.

Adi Talwar

420 West 205th Street

Adi Talwar

Southeast corner of 207th Street and 10th Avenue.

Southeast corner of 207th Street and 10th Avenue.