Jeremy Ibarra
Poll workers Stevenson Nurse ushers the crowd of voters to each table, booth, and the exit.
Bronx voters crowded into the gymnasium at P.S. 306 in Morris Heights to vote on Tuesday morning.
The line of voters snaked out the school entrance and down the alley. Stevenson Nurse, a poll inspector, tried to maintain an orderly line.
Stevenson Nurse ushers the crowd of voters to each table, booth, and the exit. #cunyjvote16 #bronxvotes pic.twitter.com/YU82MGdY2Q
— Jeremy Ibarra (@JeremyIbarra) November 8, 2016
Voters approached Nurse, one of more than 30 poll workers, to ask for help. Nurse directed people to their respective district’s sign-in tables and the polling location exit.
“It’s been crazy from six, just like this,” he said, “Everything is good.”
The polling line is out the door, and people are being pulled aside to enter one at a time. #cunyjvote16 #bronxvotes pic.twitter.com/DBVzk5e9pu
— Jeremy Ibarra (@JeremyIbarra) November 8, 2016
Nurse said the only problem had been an incident earlier in the day between a poll worker and a voter. Witnesses said that a verbal argument broke out after a voter became upset by the way a poll worker looked at her.
“She just went crazy. I think she had the street mentality where if someone looks at you the wrong way, you can fight them,” Nurse said.
PS 306 has packed their Gymnasium with voters #cunyjvote16 #bronxvotes pic.twitter.com/HyzG87NgwN
— Jeremy Ibarra (@JeremyIbarra) November 8, 2016
City Limits is partnering with the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism on covering Election 2016 in the Bronx.