The Bronx Museum of the Arts.
City Limits has no beef with the great island of Manhattan and the amazing art and culture offerings there—the mainstream giants like MoMA or The Met as well as the lower-profile gems that dot the borough from the Battery to the Broadway Bridge. But since our Art at the Limits project aims to broaden the discussion about artistic expression in the city, we thought we’d work from the outside in. Hence the map below of cultural offerings in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island.
We also thought we’d go very quickly to the people who know the most about that scene: the people who perform, produce and patronize it. The smattering of locations in this map doesn’t come close to presenting the art offerings of those four counties. Over time, we hope your input will get us closer. Use the form below the map to send up other locations we ought to add.
Give us time to get this map right. It’s more art than science. (Get it?!)