Photo by: Julia Alsop
Ursuline Prevost, a 72-year-old voter who had walked to her previous voting station at Metropolitan and McGraw before learning that the polling station had been moved.
Frustrated voters complained about changes in their polling station locations this afternoon as they waited in line at18 Metropolitan Oval in south Parkchester.
“It’s discrimination,” said Ursuline Prevost, a 72-year-old voter who had walked to her previous voting station at Metropolitan and McGraw before learning that the polling station had been moved. “I had to ask everyone in the neighborhood. Nobody knew where it was. Do you know how much walking I did today?”
“I had to do the same thing,” said Corene Edwards, another senior citizen. “Last year, for the big election, they switched us to White Plains [Road]. It was so far, they had to take us in cabs.”
Many voters said they unaware the polling station had been changed from last year and that they had received no notification. “Someone should put up a sign at the old location, notify us by mail, something. They send us all kinds of garbage and then they can’t even mail us when it means something?” Prevost said.
“It’s terrible, they better do something about it,” said Carmen Lopez, 77.
The site’s coordinator, Cheryl Lamb, agreed, “I think it’s really unfair; the insult and aggravation these people have to go through just to vote. “