Red Hook Houses

Wait Times for NYCHA Apartments Doubled Last Year, As Number of Vacant Units Climb

The length of time it takes NYCHA to rent out available apartments has climbed in recent years, one of many factors exacerbating the city’s affordable housing crisis, lawmakers say. “They just say it’s not ready,” said one resident currently living in a homeless shelter who has been waiting more than 10 months to move into the NYCHA unit she was approved for.

NYCHA Blames Dreary Financial Outlook on $454 Million in Unpaid Pandemic Rent

More than 73,000 NYCHA households are behind on rent, what officials say will force the public housing authority to draw from operating reserves and make other cuts in the year ahead—and could potentially hamper its repair plans. Meanwhile, the state’s already-exhausted Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) to aid New Yorkers in rent arrears is unlikely to reach NYCHA.

Under New Election Rules, 20% of Households Could Determine Fate of NYCHA Developments

The heads of household in 25,000 NYCHA apartments will soon have an opportunity to vote on how to best raise capital and complete repairs in their individual complexes, choosing from one of three funding models. For those elections to be considered valid, at least 20 percent of heads of household named on leases must cast a ballot, new rules state, though NYCHA says it will “strive to achieve turnout far greater.”