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Rikers Closure Plan Passes: How We Got Here

A look at City Limits’ coverage is far from a comprehensive rendering of the Rikers saga. But it does provide a sense of how long this argument has been going on, of the twists and turns it has taken, and of the many passionate viewpoints New Yorkers have about it.

October 17, 2019

Opinion: Close Rikers to Address the Violence of Jail Discrimination – For Now

‘If it takes smaller, replacement jails to close Rikers, then the mayor and the City Council must pay heed. We will then eventually need to close the new ones as well.’

October 15, 2019

Closing Rikers: The 10 Major Concerns That Emerged at the Public Hearing

They are unlikely to stop the plan, but at least some of them will be where last-minute negotiations focus.

September 5, 2019

Opinion: How New York Is Failing Those Left Behind At Rikers Island

‘The only population of people increasing on Rikers happens to be the one population fully under the governor’s control – people on parole.’

July 23, 2019

Opinion: The Unending Urgency of Closing Rikers

‘I’m reminded the cells on Rikers are so hot — that the walls sweat. There was no air. I had to lay on the floor naked, to suck a little bit of air from a slit on the floor, just to breathe.’

July 2, 2019

Opinion: NYC Can’t Close Rikers Until Albany Fixes Parole

‘With over 600 people held on technical parole violations at Rikers every day, it is time we recognize that the system is not working.’

May 28, 2019

Opinion: Closing Rikers and Building Borough Jails Would Create a More Humane NYC

‘An impartial and fair assessment of this process can lead to only one conclusion: Closing Rikers will lead to a more just New York.’

April 11, 2019

Review Begins of City’s Plan to Build Four New Jails en Route to Closing Rikers

The number of outstanding questions reflects the size of the population involved, the magnitude of the construction projects the effort entails and the unique nature of building temporary housing for people who live there involuntarily.

March 25, 2019

Opinion: It’s Time to Improve and Embrace the Plan to Close Rikers Island

‘Rikers Island has been a human rights atrocity since the 1930s, and we are closer than ever to closing it.’

March 25, 2019

Opinion: ‘Close Rikers’ Eschews Real Reform for a Real-Estate Drama

‘The ‘Build New Jails’ advocates have adopted a two-step Bait and Switch political strategy that is oddly familiar.’

March 19, 2019