El Hotel Vouchering Program (programa de vouchers para hoteles) ha proporcionado estancias de 28 días en hoteles a 7.875 familias migrantes con niños desde julio de 2023, según la alcaldía. El programa finalizará este mes, mientras la ciudad reduce refugios por la reducción del número de inmigrantes.
Is Your City Councilmember Passing Green Legislation? Look Them Up Here
Mariana Simões |
The New York League of Conservation Voters ranks city councilmembers, whose seats are up for grabs in their year’s elections, based on how they voted on key environmental bills. You can look up their scores here.
Opinion: Local Nutrition Programs Are More Important Than Ever
Melissa Gallanter |
“With federal nutrition assistance facing an uncertain future, local organizations must step in to fill the gaps. But programs like ours are already stretched thin, and we will rely even more heavily on local government if federal support is cut.”
Advocates, Health Providers Look to Ease Immigrants’ Fears of Accessing Care Under Trump
Daniel Parra |
While these concerns have resurfaced under the second Trump administration, the message from advocates, lawyers, and health centers is clear and unequivocal: health is always a priority and treatment should not be stopped.
PODCAST: ¿Qué es el proyecto de ley Laken Riley, la primera ley que firmaría el presidente Trump?
Daniel Parra |
Como resultado de las elecciones de 2024, los republicanos ganaron el control de ambas cámaras del Congreso, y para pasar este proyecto de ley, 46 demócratas de la Cámara de Representantes y 12 demócratas del Senado apoyaron la medida.
Opinion: The FARE Act is Not Just Good Policy. It’s Common Sense
Nick E. Smith |
“There is still much more work to be done to address our housing crisis. But the FARE Act is one significant step. It’s also a great example of what we can accomplish when tenants come together and advocate for policies that will make our lives easier.”
Opinion: Building a Safer City Requires Housing, Not Criminalization
Emily Gallagher, Cordell Cleare and Oksana Mironova |
“Yes, we are seeing more people on the streets, and many of them are in crisis. But unless we deal with the root causes of homelessness, we are just going to be looking at a revolving door of incarceration and hospitalizations that only exacerbate the problem.”
PODCAST:¿Cómo la política migratoria de Trump podría afectar a la producción de buques para la Armada?
Daniel Parra |
Con la llegada del presidente Donald Trump, quien durante su campaña prometió impulsar la construcción naval militar estadounidense al mismo tiempo que lleva a cabo deportaciones masivas, una de las preguntas que surgen es como se verá afectada esta industria y si se podrán cumplir los objetivos de producción durante un periodo en que los inmigrantes estarían en el foco.
New Charter Commission Considers Housing & Land Use Reforms
Jeanmarie Evelly |
Mayor Eric Adams’ newly appointed Charter Revision Commission met Tuesday, the first in a series of meetings to explore potential changes to city government’s rules and procedures for housing and land use decisions.
Gov. Hochul Signs Bills to Ban CO2 Fracking, Make Polluters Pay for Climate Damage
Jeanmarie Evelly |
During the final week of 2024, Gov. Kathy Hochul signed several long-awaited environmental bills into law: forcing polluters to pay for climate destruction, expanding the state’s fracking ban to prohibit a a new technique that uses carbon dioxide, and limiting new construction of schools within 500 feet of major highways.
Housing and Homelessness
NYC Housing Calendar, Dec. 23-30
Jeanmarie Evelly |
There are seven of the city’s affordable housing lotteries closing to applicants this week.