community ownership

Opinion: With Community Land Trusts Back in the Spotlight, Lessons from 1970s NYC

“Now, longtime neighborhood residents across the city, people who put up with dangerous housing conditions for decades because they had no choice, but who fought to improve their neighborhoods, finally have the best chance in decades to get public support.” Adi Talwar Three buildings in the East Village are a part of the Cooper Square Community Land Trust. CityViews are readers’ opinions, not those of City Limits. Add your voice today! The Lower East Side, 1970s.It was a short five blocks from my apartment on East 4th Street, between Avenues C and D, to my job at a local community organization in the abandoned P.S. 64 on East 9th Street, later re-named El Bohio.

NYCHA Plan to Put Units Under Private Management is More Than Halfway Done—But Skepticism Persists

More than 36,000 NYCHA apartments have either undergone conversion or are in the process of being converted to the RAD-PACT program, which officials say has helped drive billions in needed repairs. But tenants—some of whom will get a chance to vote this year on whether they want their developments to join the initiative—remain distrustful of the change.

Hudson Yards se considera un barrio ejemplar en eficiencia energética. Los datos de la ciudad presentan un panorama diferente

Hudson Yards prometió ser uno de los vecindarios sostenibles más eficientes de Estados Unidos. Pero los datos sobre el consumo de energía que maneja la alcaldía demuestran que muchos de los inmuebles con la certificación “verde” del vecindario ni siquiera llegan a superar el índice de edificios similares en todo el país.