CityFHEPS vouchers are supposed to give low-income New Yorkers more choice in where they live, but data shows that voucher holders are predominately renting in certain Bronx and Southeast Brooklyn neighborhoods.
As New Yorkers Hit the Polls, Bronx Residents Share Why They Voted
City Limits |
In the nine days of early voting that kicked off on Oct. 26, just shy of 1.1 million New Yorkers had already made it to the polls, according to NYC’s Board of Elections. The numbers rivaled that of 2020, which saw 30,000 more people cast an early ballot.
Housing Violations in NYC Jumped 24% This Year. We Mapped Them By Neighborhood.
Patrick Spauster |
New York City is responding to more reports of housing code violations that threaten the health and safety of New Yorkers, but not every repair is an easy fix. Violations are highly concentrated in a few Bronx and Brooklyn neighborhoods.
In One Day, Four NYCHA Developments Convert to PACT Private Management
Tatyana Turner |
After roughly three years of planning and engagement, four NYCHA developments now have new managers through one of the public housing preservation initiatives, aimed at unlocking repair funds.
Opinion: City of Yes Will Help Turn Underutilized Space into Life-Saving Housing
Kathryn Haslanger |
“Infills can create new housing while also helping provide funding or upgrades to preserve existing buildings, all helping to reinvigorate a neighborhood.”
Opinion: For Affordable Housing, Inclusive Design Can Help Communities Get to ‘Yes’
Magnus Magnusson |
“By making both aesthetic and programmatic contributions like commercial or community services to their neighborhood, these buildings were viewed as assets and gained them acceptance not always afforded to new developments.”
City’s Public Hospitals Mark Milestone in Surprising Role: Housing Patients
Jeanmarie Evelly |
NYC Health + Hospitals says it’s found permanent homes for more than 1,200 of its patients and their families, both through supportive housing placements and in affordable apartments on its own land. The marker comes as the mayor directs all city agencies to examine their property holdings for places to build new housing.
Concejo aprueba rezonificación de 7.000 nuevas viviendas en alrededores de futuras estaciones de tren del Este del Bronx
Jeanmarie Evelly |
El plan permitirá un nuevo proyecto residencial en torno a dos estaciones de Metro-North en Morris Park y Parkchester/Van Nest. Según la concejal Kristy Marmorato, incluye “modificaciones fundamentales” para responder a las preocupaciones de los vecinos por conservar el carácter del barrio.
Council Approves Rezoning to Spur 7K New Homes Around Future East Bronx Train Stations
Jeanmarie Evelly |
The plan will allow for new residential development around two incoming MetroNorth stations in Morris Park and Parkchester/Van Nest. It includes “critical modifications” to respond to locals concerns about retaining neighborhood character, according to local Councilmember Kristy Marmorato.
¿Cuáles fueron las áreas con mayor y menor número de viviendas asequibles de Nueva York?
Chris Janaro |
“La realidad es que tenemos una crisis de vivienda, pero el sur del Bronx no puede soportar la carga de la vivienda asequible por sí solo”, dijo el Concejal Rafael Salamanca, cuyo distrito produjo el mayor número de unidades asequibles el año pasado y en la última década. “Necesitamos que todos los 51 distritos del concejo de la ciudad hagan su justa parte”.
The NYC Neighborhoods Leading, and Lagging, on Affordable Housing
Chris Janaro |
“The reality is that we have a housing crisis, but the South Bronx cannot bear the burden of affordable housing on its own,” said Councilmember Rafael Salamanca, whose district produced the greatest number of affordable units last year and over the past decade. “We need all 51 council districts to do their fair share.”