Inwood rezoning

Opinion: Don’t Let City Charter Changes Silence Your Voice on Land Use  

“The Uniform Land Use Review Process, or ULURP, is a public and transparent review that injects a degree of democracy into major land use changes by giving communities limited influence over our built environment.” Adi TalwarResidents hold up signs at a 2018 hearing about the Inwood rezoning. CityViews are readers’ opinions, not those of City Limits. Add your voice today! City planners don’t like communities.

Jackie Lara

Meet Your Tenant Leader: Jackie Lara, NYCHA’s Fulton Houses

Lara, who’s lived at the Fulton Houses for 22 years, is among those fighting NYCHA’s plan to demolish and rebuild the campus and neighboring Elliott-Chelsea Houses. “I don’t need a dishwasher. I don’t need a washer and dryer. I don’t need all this luxury that you’re offering,” she said. “Just leave us alone. This is our home.”