holiday food giveaway

NYC Food Resources for the 2024 Holiday Season

Since the pandemic, one in every three New York City residents has used a food pantry, according to a recent study from Robin Hood and Columbia University. Here, City Limits rounds up a list of where people can find food assistance and other anti-hunger resources.


Opinion: Not All Housing is Created Equal

“New housing production isn’t a solution if it doesn’t meet the needs of a majority of New Yorkers…Every neighborhood should and must be doing its part to produce affordable housing, not just market-rate housing, if we are going to turn the city’s housing crisis around.” Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office

CityViews are readers’ opinions, not those of City Limits. Add your voice today! You’re paying over half your monthly income in rent, your landlord won’t make repairs, and you’re already rooming with friends or family—your best option? Move.

NYS Dept. of Health

Lo que necesita saber sobre: ¿Cómo los beneficiarios de DACA de Nueva York pueden inscribirse en la cobertura médica del ACA?

Los beneficiarios de la Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA por sus siglas en inglés) ya pueden solicitar cobertura médica a través de y los mercados estatales individuales. Aquí hay una guía para acceder a la atención a través de los Planes de Salud Esenciales o Calificados del Estado de Nueva York.