This time last year, very few people around the city, let alone the country, knew who Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was. Now she is a Congresswoman with an “effect” named after her whose endorsement is highly sought. The difference-maker was a primary election, like the one New York will see on Tuesday, June 23–although early voting begins June 13, and many will take advantage of the COVID-19 rules and submit a ballot by mail.
Twelve of the 13 Congressional seats that fall within the city are being contested, as are 10 State Senate districts, 27 Assembly posts, five judicial positions and the borough presidency of Queens.
City Limits, Gotham Gazette, Gothamist and WNYC teamed up to create this voters’ guide. Enter your address and you’ll see who’s voting where. Keep in mind that most of the races are for Democrats. (And see a separate judicial voters’ guide here.)
For information of obtaining an absentee ballot, click here. Details about early voting are here.