After news broke Wednesday night that the mayor was indicted by federal prosecutors, a chorus of elected officials and local leaders have called for Eric Adams to resign, while others say they’re withholding judgement until more details are released. Adams has maintained his innocence.

Eric Adams

Benny Polatseck/Mayoral Photography Office

Eric Adams at an event Tuesday night, a day before he was indicted.

Eric Adams, who took office as the 110th mayor of New York City at the start of 2022 and has been gearing up to run for re-election in a crowded race for City Hall next year, was indicted by federal prosecutors Wednesday, the New York Times first reported.

While details of the allegations against him had not been made public as of early Thursday morning, the indictment follows months of speculation and multiple corruption investigations surrounding the Adams administration. A number of high-ranking officials have had their phones seized and homes searched, and several have resigned in recent weeks.

News site THE CITY, citing sources familiar with the investigation, reported that the mayor “is being charged with acting as an unregistered foreign agent for taking actions in his official capacity after receiving donations from foreign sources.” Federal authorities have been looking into Adams’ 2021 election campaign since last year for alleged illegal donations tied to the Turkish government, several media outlets reported at the time.

Adams, for his part, has maintained his innocence. In a video statement shared with reporters Wednesday, the mayor called any potential charges against him “entirely false” and “based on lies.”

“I will fight these injustices with every ounce of my strength and my spirit. If I’m charged, I know I am innocent,” he said, denying that the legal troubles will impact his ability to govern.

“If I am charged, many may say I should resign because I cannot manage the city while fighting the case. I can also understand every day New Yorkers will be concerned that I cannot do my job while I face accusations,” Adams continued. “But I have been facing these lies for months, since I began to speak out for all of you and their investigation started, yet the city has continued to improve. Make no mistake, you elected me to lead this city, and lead it, I will.”

Indeed, a chorus of elected officials and local leaders have called for Adams to step down, while others say they’re withholding judgement until more details are released. Here’s a look at public reactions to the news so far.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

His Mayoral Challengers: Adams is already facing a crowded field of competitors in his expected run for reelection next year; here’s what they had to say in the wake of his indictment.

State Sen. Jessica Ramos:

NYC Comptroller Brad Lander: “First and foremost, this is a sad day for New Yorkers. Trust in public institutions—especially City Hall—is essential for our local democracy to function and for our city to flourish. The hardworking people of New York City deserve a city government and leadership they can trust. Right now, they don’t have it. Mayor Adams, like all New Yorkers, deserves due process, the presumption of innocence, and his day in court. However, it is clear that defending himself against serious federal charges will require a significant amount of the time and attention needed to govern this great city.  The most appropriate path forward is for him to step down so that New York City can get the full focus its leadership demands.  At this urgent moment, the City’s leaders must focus on how we can best enable steady governance so that New York City can move forward and thrive. As the comptroller of the city, I will do everything I can to help ensure this happens.”

State Sen. Zellnor Myrie: “This is a sad day for the city, and especially painful for so many Black New Yorkers who put our hope and faith in this Mayor. We live in the greatest city in the world — and the Mayor must be fully focused on delivering for the millions who call it home. Many like my parents come here in search of opportunity; others like myself are born and raised by this vibrant city. Each New Yorker deserves a Mayor who is dedicated to serving our communities, and who upholds the dignity and integrity this office requires. We need a leader who is fully focused, without distraction, on the enormous challenges we face — from housing affordability to public safety. A mayor under the weight of a serious indictment can no longer do that — and today I am calling on him to resign.”

Former NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer:

NYC Elected Officials:

City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, who would take office as mayor should Adams resign or be forced out:

City Councilmember Lincoln Restler: “The Mayor must resign. No Mayor can serve our city under criminal indictment. The only responsible course for New York City is for Mayor Eric Adams to step down. If he refuses, he must be removed from office as prescribed by the charter. New Yorkers deserve so much better.”

City Councilmember Sandy Nurse: “Mayor Adams ran on a ‘law and order’ platform. Throughout his tenure, he never missed a chance to attack progressives and the Left, accusing us of being unserious about community safety and crime. Meanwhile, his administration has been nothing but a mess of corruption, deceit, and dysfunction. It is impossible to govern a city effectively amidst a constant stream of resignations, scandals, and now indictments. And with the looming threat of another Trump presidency–which would be catastrophic for New York City–we need leadership that is strong, honest, and focused on solving our City’s most intractable problems. Above all, we need an Executive that puts the City above him and his friends. New Yorkers have had enough of politicians abusing their positions. We deserve better, which is why Mayor Adams should step down.”

City Councilmember Shahana Hanif: “It’s clear that Mayor Adams can no longer effectively serve New Yorkers. I stand with my colleagues in calling for his immediate resignation.”

City Councilmember Tiffany Cabán: “Eric Adams is the first sitting NY mayor to be indicted on criminal charges. It was true when I called on him to resign a week ago, and it’s true now: he is unable to effectively lead and govern. While he awaits his right to due process, he must resign. New York deserves better.”

City Councilmember Robert Holden: “It’s a sad day for New York City when a sitting mayor is indicted on federal charges. While he is presumed innocent until proven guilty, there is no way he can effectively lead with this cloud hanging over him. With the challenges our city faces, he must step down for the good of New Yorkers.”

City Councilmember Carmen De La Rosa: “In light of Mayor Adams’ indictment, I join a growing number of my colleagues in calling for his resignation. With the many issues facing our city, we need a leader who can provide stability, integrity, and focus. Under Mayor Adams, we’ve seen school budgets cut, the scapegoating of immigrants, and the appointment of controversial figures that have eroded public trust. This indictment is yet another indication that our city needs new leadership to move forward.”

State & Federal Elected Officials:

U.S. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: “I do not see how Mayor Adams can continue governing New York City. The flood of resignations and vacancies are threatening gov function. Nonstop investigations will make it impossible to recruit and retain a qualified administration. For the good of the city, he should resign.

State Sen. Zohran Mamdani: “Eric Adams has been indicted. He needs to resign now. Even before these charges, the Mayor has proven himself totally unable to address the cost of living crisis crushing this city. He must step aside.”

State Sen. James Sander: “While the facts surrounding Mayor Eric Adams’ indictment are still emerging, this is undoubtedly a difficult moment for both the mayor and New York City. We must uphold the American principle of ‘innocent until proven guilty’ and avoid rushing to judgment. As the situation develops, Mayor Adams and his team must carefully consider what is in the best interest of both him and the city. Our prayers are with the mayor and New York as they navigate these challenges.”

Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal: “New Yorkers deserve a government that works – not a raft of resignations and indictments that now include the mayor. New Yorkers struggling to keep pace with rising rents, put food on the table and pay for medical care desperately need an administration that is laser focused on the issues instead of its mounting legal troubles. While everyone is entitled to their day in court, New York City’s challenges are too vast to fight with one hand behind your back. For the benefit of all New Yorkers and the future of our city, the Mayor must resign.” 

Assemblymember Karines Reyes: “I am deeply troubled to learn of the indictment of NYC Mayor Eric Adams. This moment in our city’s history is truly unprecedented and without parallel. While the details of the indictment are still unknown, we are only left to assume the worst, given the numerous investigations that have been revealed in recent weeks and months. These inquiries into the Mayor’s administration, his appointees and surrounding individuals have led to indictments and several resignations, and exposed a pattern of questionable and unethical behavior, in the name of our great city, all for personal profit. While our legal system is predicated on the presumption of innocence, I believe that it is in the best interest of all New Yorkers for Mayor Adams to resign from office. It is impossible for the Mayor to remain focused on the city’s business, while he and his top aides are forced to defend themselves in the court of law. The people deserve to trust their leaders and recognize integrity in their work – It is clear that in the court of public opinion, the mayor has lost that trust. Now, he has the opportunity to end the long nightmare that our city has had to endure.”

State Senator John Liu: “Eric Adams is innocent until proven guilty; he is entitled to his due process, but it will take all of his might to defend himself against these federal charges. The people of New York City, however, need a mayor who is able to devote full time and full energy to putting the city on the right track, including recruitment and retention of top leadership for the City. Mayor Adams is simply unable to do that for the foreseeable future and therefore, for the good of all New Yorkers, must resign immediately.”

Political parties:

Brooklyn Democratic Party:

Ana María Archila and Jasmine Gripper, Co-Directors of the New York Working Families Party: “Mayor Eric Adams can no longer govern. He has lost the trust of the everyday New Yorkers he was elected to serve. Our city deserves a leader we can trust and who is not engulfed in endless scandals. The City Charter mandates that if the Mayor resigns, the Public Advocate becomes the interim Mayor. Fortunately for the people of New York, we have a Public Advocate who is ready to step in and lend stability to the city in this difficult moment.”

New York Republican Party:

NYC Democratic Socialists of America: “New Yorkers deserve better. Eric Adams must resign. Tonight’s unprecedented indictment of Eric Adams indictment is the logical conclusion of a mayoralty that has treated New York City as a playground for millionaires and billionaires at the expense of everyone else. Under Eric Adams, New Yorkers have seen a federal investigation into his top aide, the indictment of two top FDNY chiefs; the resignations of the Police Commissioner, Health Commissioner, Schools Chancellor, and Corporate Counsel; and too many other scandals to list. Adams is not only staggeringly corrupt—his policies have been a disaster for working-class New Yorkers. He raised the rent on one million rent-stabilized tenants and cut funding for schools, libraries, and parks. He wasted millions of dollars on no-bid city contracts to hotel owners and for-profit service providers while laying the blame for his vicious budget cuts on asylum seekers. The result? Our city is hemorrhaging working-class families of color, who can no longer afford to live in the city that they helped build.It’s time to turn the page. We have the opportunity to build a New York City that works for everyone—where every worker is treated with dignity; where every neighborhood has clean air and thriving public spaces; where every person, from lifelong residents to recent arrivals, has access to safe and affordable housing; and where every student has quality public education from 3-K to CUNY. New Yorkers need a Mayor who will fight for robust social services and truly safe communities—not corporate interests and foreign governments. Eric Adams and his austerity agenda have failed us. The people deserve a city of abundance.”

Advocacy organizations:

Met Council on Housing:

Theo Oshiro, Co-Executive Director of Make the Road New York: “It is clear that Mayor Adams no longer has the ability to lead this city and must resign immediately. This mayor has failed to better the lives of immigrants and working class communities of color; his focus has always been on enriching his inner circle and concentrating power in the hands of the well-connected. This news is a reflection of the corruption and mismanagement that has plagued the mayor’s office from day one. This indictment, the cloud of suspicion, and the cascade of resignations from top officials have made it impossible for Mayor Adams to continue to do his job on behalf of New Yorkers. We deserve a leader who can dedicate their full attention to the needs of this city. Public Advocate Jumaane Williams has spent his career working to improve the lives of all New Yorkers and is well-equipped to step into this position at such a precarious time and bring dignity back to the office of mayor.”

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