City Limits turns 46 this year. Come celebrate with us and help support hard-hitting, impactful local journalism.

Frank Mazzini
Staff, board members and guests at the 2021 City Limits gala.This year, City Limits turns 46—and we’re ready to celebrate.
What started as a newsletter for New York City housing organizers amidst the fiscal crisis of the 1970s is now an award-winning independent news organization providing hard-hitting coverage of land use, housing, homelessness, climate change and other vital issues. We also run a celebrated youth journalism training program.
We need your support to ensure we can continue that important work for another 46 years. Please join us on Oct. 26—officially “City Limits Day” in New York City—for our annual gala fundraiser. We’ll celebrate our rich history and honor our 2022 Hall of Fame Honorees, distinguished New Yorkers who’ve made an impact on the fabric of the city.
Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details, or sign up here to be notified when tickets for the event go on sale.