‘We need more parents to run so that each CEC’s economic diversity reflects that of the district. Without such diversity, whole swaths of a school district may be voiceless.’
Demographic data released by the city on Sunday reinforced concerns that the vaccine rollout effort has not done enough to reach the city’s communities of color ― Black and Latino New Yorkers in particular.
Nueva York amplió en enero la posibilidad de vacunarse contra la COVID-19 a los residentes mayores de 65 años, pero conseguir una cita ha sido un proceso ‘extraordinariamente complicado’ para algunos.
A single positive test and a precautionary disinfection triggered a social-media storm that threatens a long-standing retailer.
It’s snowing outside, but it’s been raining policy in New York’s 2021 campaigns. Here’s the first installment of a series breaking down some of the big ideas.