What do you think the country and the world need to hear as the Trump era ends and the Biden administration begins?

Gage Skidmore
On Wednesday, it ends, and it begins.
At the stroke of noon, Donald Trump becomes a former president and Joseph Biden ascends to the highest office in the land. There’s an oath, the band plays a flourish, and everyone settles down to hear the big speech.
Some inaugural speeches are remembered forever. Others barely register. What’s certain about Biden’s speech is that it comes at a moment of incredible tension and crisis.
What should he say?
We’re all part of this moment. So, City Limits is collecting from readers the sentiments and ideas, fears and framing, eloquence and aspiration that our readers would insert into Biden’s text if we were the speechwriters.
Toss in your two cents: Email us 100 words or less or call 1-844-966-3692 to record up to 30 seconds of the message you believe the next president should send. We’ll accept entries up to 9 p.m. on January 19 and include as many as we can in a presentation on Inauguration Day.