‘The narrative that New York is anti-business, triggered by the recent defeat of the Industry City proposal, is not only misleading, but simplistic.’
Phara Souffrant Forest, a nurse turned candidate, is on the verge of unseating an incumbent Democrat in Brooklyn.
There are four upcoming meetings for the public to weigh in on what needs to happen to reshape the NYPD.
Los defensores de los inquilinos dicen que la prórroga de la moratoria de desalojo por parte del Gobernador Cuomo permitirá que demasiados casos pasen por los tribunales.
ICE agents have once again been active in neighborhoods such as Sunset Park, Red Hook, Bay Ridge and Fort Greene in Brooklyn, as well as in upper Manhattan and the Bronx, according to advocates.
City Planning officials will present details Thursday on the rezoning proposal to Brooklyn Community Board 6, after the city’s ULURP process was paused for several months during the pandemic.