New York City Council
Vito Mustacuiolo (center) has been NYCHA’s general manager since Februrary 2018.
Sign up for our Mapping the Future newsletter to receive housing news—including the latest news, statistics, tools for tenants and homeowners and affordable-rental lotteries—in your inbox weekly. Here are some of the headlines from this week’s update:
From City Limits:
The city is proposing a savings program where employed homeless persons who reside in a shelter will be mandated to hand over nearly a third of their earned monthly income. The de Blasio administration says the savings will aid those residents in their eventual transition out of the shelter system. Advocates say the idea isn’t inherently problematic, but its case-by-case impact bears close monitoring. Read more.
From Around the City:
The city’s plan to construct 90 new homeless shelters is lagging, with just 25 sites operating and only 23 more planned, the City reports. As a result, the use of hotels as shelters continues to rise.
The New York City Housing Authority general manager cultivates a toxic work environment and has driven away many high-level female employees, the Daily News reports. Since de Blasio made Vito Mustaciuolo NYCHA’s general manager in February 2018, at least 18 high-level authority staffers have quit or been forced out. Fourteen were women.
The Acacia Network, a nonprofit operator of homeless shelters and senior centers, was found to have poor conditions in inspection reports obtained by the Post. Nearly half on inspected rooms were found to have “major physical deficiencies, safety and maintenance concerns.”
A building under construction in the Bronx collapsed on Tuesday killing a construction worker and injuring several others. The collapse was due to overloaded weight on the third story of the building—a preventable situation, Gothamist reports.
HUD regional administrator Lynne Patton along with the new New York City Housing Authority Chair Gregory Russ toured the Red Hook Houses—which are in need of serious repairs—last week, the Brooklyn Eagle reports.
New housing development in the city this year is highest in Bushwick and Jamaica according to a new analysis. Patch sums it up.